All the above images are from elena-starling polyvore, so if you want to see more awesome collections from her go check her, you'll love the journey...
love you all, xoxo Elena
Nothing compares to the feeling of wearing nice, beautiful clothes! I'm sure we all agree to this one... if you are dressed good, you'll feel good, too! So simple! Personally, I belong to that veeeeery big category of women with "nothing to wear for the occasion", although their closet is about to burst! We've all been to that position at least ...once(?..) in our lives...because of disorganization, cluttered closets or just bad mood... So, here comes the help from... pictures! I've been the biggest fan of them ever since I remember myself! (A colored TV was a wish of mine when I was a kid!) First were the vibrant magazines and now internet, too. My last discovery is polyvore! I totally loved it as you can imagine! So, if you're still wondering what to wear this fall check the following boards. They are such an inspiration!! All the above images are from elena-starling polyvore, so if you want to see more awesome collections from her go check her, you'll love the journey... love you all, xoxo Elena
As it gets colder and colder every day, I think we need some extra calories in our food... Especially in the morning, before we hit the road, we need a rich breakfast. Toasted bread with butter and jam is a quick and delicious solution, particularly when it comes to homemade jam. There is always homemade jam in our home! I use any kind of seasonal fruit, when I have plenty of it! I made strawberry jam and fig jam in the summer and when my husband brought me quinces from his farm the other day, I just knew what to do with them. I use only wild(organic) fruits for my jams and that makes them even more tasty and flavored. I'll post you my recipes with pictures some day, when I'll find the time. Quince jam (or quince "spoon sweet", as we use to call it here in Greece) is far my most favorite jam ever! My aunt Niki used to make it when I was a kid and I love it since then. Quince jam can be eaten on bread, for breakfast, as a light dessert, or it can follow our famous greek coffee and is always served (as all spoon sweets) with a glass of cold water beside. My aunt Niki (mom's older sister, so much alive) and my dearest mom (not with us any more, but every moment in our hearts, as long as we live...) created so many sweet masterpieces in their kitchens! I think I inherited the charisma, because I also love making sweet things in my kitchen and most of them, as friends and relatives say, are really great! I remember me reading cookbooks since I was a kid, so charmed by the limitless variety of the foods and sweets a human can make! I've spent hours in the kitchen helping mom, especially holiday seasons, passing her this or that, stiring, decorating...All that was so magical to me, I have so many memories I could talk for hours... So, I made quince jam Friday night (thank God, my husband gave me a helping hand, you see, you need muscles to grade the quinces...) and Saturday night I made a chocolate pecan pie for Sunday's lunch at mother's in law. I think my pie was a success and I'll definitely make it again, a dessert classic! After a sweet weekend may the sweetest week begin.... wish you all the best! Love you, xoxo, Elena
The beginning of a month is always a good chance for new beginnings in your life, as well. The feeling of having a whole new month to do things is encouraging and gives you the hope that new and better things will happen to you. I like to be optimistic, I always try to! So, whatever your situation may be, put a big smile on your face (the SMILE is the first and most important thing on my list!) and start over! Everyone of you can have her own list depending on her needs, wishes and dreams and you may get a little inspiration from mine, too. So, here is what I want for November: Deep clean the house ![]() I know it's not very tempting for a start, but it's better to finish with the tough ones and go on with the nice ones...Put the music on loud and attack all that dirt! Porches, windows, curtains, walls, rugs, furniture, cabinets, lights should get fixed and cleaned now, because next month... guess what: it's Christmas and the last thing you want is having to deal with all these while you enjoy the Christmas preparations. We're talking about deep cleaning here, things you do two or three times a year, not weekly and everyday routines. I' ll come back with that topic because it's a big one! Also, prepare your heating system, the cold days are coming. Organize your pantry and freezer for next month's preperations. Make your fall cleaning list and follow it or find one from many on internet and print it! Find your rythm, take regular breaks , find someone to help you, if you have to,... and enjoy it! Fall decorations ![]() Now that the house is clean and fresh, it's time for some fall decoration. Don't you want to bring all these wonderful autumn colours to your home? If you still have shells and corals in you vases, you may want to take them away! Keep them in beautiful boxes for next summer. Pumpkins, autumn leaves, nuts and acorns, pomegranates, mums, all these marvelous, blessed fruits and flowers nature is giving to us, all these make a wonderful decoration for your house! Just free your imagination and you'll make wonders! (If you're missing imagination, you can always look for ideas in internet... I do it all the time!) Make apple cider, apple pies...and other apple things... ![]() I love apples! There are so many varieties of them and you can make so many things! Hot apple cider is one of them. I' ve always wanted to make my apple cider! I found the recipe, if I find apple cider, too, I'll make it this year and I'll definetely let you know! There are also hundreds of recipes of the most delicious apple pies, another love of mine! Is there anything better than a flavoured apple pie to accompany your morning or afternoon coffee or tea? No, there is not, not for me, at least... And of course, you can make toffee apples, especially appreciated by children, apple jam, baked apples and the list goes on... Not to mention the flavour that will be bursting your home for hours after baking...! And don't forget, you can always eat your apple raw, because an apple a day keeps the doctor away! Make your fall wardrobe list ![]() Take all your clothes out of the closet, clean your closet, clean and iron the clothes that need to be cleaned, pack your summer clothes, donate a few, if you're never going to wear them again, and make room for your fall clothes! Easy? You just have to decide it! I know that organizing your closet is a terrible headache, but a clean and neat closet is such a pleasure! After cleaning, reward yourself creating your fall wardrobe list, the clothes, shoes and accessories you'll need for fall season! Ok now, check your list twice and erase a few items, maybe.... half of them?...You don't need a fifth black trouser, a tenth pair of jeans or a twelvth white shirt!! You will overstock your closet and you'll never going to wear all these clothes! Remember, "LESS IS MORE"! Workout ![]() Now, that the weather is getting colder, all we want is sitting in a cozy corner sipping our hot coffee and doing something we love, or just dreaming, or looking at the falling leaves from the window.... That's ok, but don't forget to exercise a bit, too! Walk or use the stairs whenever you can. And if you hate or don't have the time to go to the gym, you can always exercise at home! There are thousands of DVDs or internet sites where you can find the program that suits your needs and follow it in the comfort of your own home! Pilates or yoga are perfect solutions, they always work for me! Buy new clothes, or some fun fitness equipment to get in the mood and just do it! Make a nook ![]() Remember what we were saying in the previous paragraph about cozy corners and watching falling leaves from the window.... Well, create a corner like this in your home. Create a nook just for you where nobody can disturb you. It could be in the living room, or bedroom, or office.. wherever is best for you and spend sometime on your own. We all need this! Read your favourite novel, or magazine, organize your planner in your own privacy, meditate or dream, have your coffee looking out the window, you can even take a nap...! It' s your time. Enjoy it! Knit ![]() If you always wanted to learn knitting, fall is the perfect time to do it! Knit scarves, sweaters, jackets and whatever you want with your own hands, for you or your loved ones! Choose the quality of wool and the color you want from a great variety and save lots, looots of money! Practice a little and you may create masterpieces! You'll find great tutorials in internet. It's a nice feeling wearing something you've made on your own, just the way you wanted it, it's a great gift for the people you love, it's cool and very, very relaxing...I definetely want to learn one day, maybe this fall... Take autumn photographs ![]() Fall is also a perfect season to practice in shooting! All these eye catching autumn colors are calling for shooting! Amazing pictures of the nature are waiting for you. Leave your imagination free and shoot trees, leaves, piles of leaves, falling leaves, different colors of leaves.... So, grab your camera and run outdoors! Of course there are so many other things you can photograph this season: fall decorations, pumpkins, family or friend gatherings, parties, table settings.... make your own list and shoot, shoot, shoot... Invite family or friends for dinner ![]() A nice idea to see family members or friends you've missed for a while is inviting them for dinner. Decorate your table beautifuly, cook one or two dishes and spend a wonderful evening with people you love. Food always brings people closer. Talk, tell jokes, remember old stories and create new memories. Don't forget the photos! Cheese and wine evening ![]() If you don't have the time to cook or you're just not in the mood to do so, don't worry! Buy two or three kinds of cheese, some crackers and fruits, set a beautiful plate, open a bottle of wine and you're done! A few bowls with nuts and olives is also a nice idea. You don't have to spend hours in the kitchen whenever people are coming to visit you! A few snacks is all you need. Enjoy a relaxed evening, listening to the music you and your friends like, talking and laughing, dedicating your time to the people not the cooking. You save some energy for yourself this way and you'll enjoy the night and the company as much as your friends will...! Walk on leaves ![]() That's an absolute must for this season! Nothing compares with the feeling of autumn leaves under your feet and the cool breeze on your face, when you're walking on this amazing rug of leaves nature creates for us every autumn! Don't miss a chance! Take a drive to look at the leaves ![]() Take your car and escape from the city for a while. The pictures will reward you! You'll never see this combination of colors in the nature again. Yellow, orange, red, green, brown and colorings on between them alltogether at the same time! It's a really wonderful sight, it will definetely lift your spirits for the rest of the day! Go to bed early ![]() If you want to get a healthy habit for yourself this month, go to bed early. The nights are soo long now, so seize the opportunity and surrender in the arms of Morpheus a little earlier than usual. Ten o' clock is the ideal time to go to sleep, but if I manage 12, I'll be more than happy! I' m an owl, you see...I've always been, but I try to change that. Sleeping earlier will do miracles to your health, your beauty, you'll be much more energized and alive to overcome the challenges of the life through the day. Really nice habit, don't think about it owls of the earth... Strech before you sleep ![]() And a little tip, if you find it difficult to sleep early: strech before you go to bed or you can do your moves on the bed! Find some streching exercises in internet or magazines, or just do the ones you know from the gym or from experience, or even try some yoga moves. Whatever works. You just free your mind from your troubles, concetrate on your body, listen to it, relax and don't forget to breathe deeply. Streching will dissipate the stress, calm you and prepare you for a quiet sleep. Personally, I find it very helpful! Sweet dreams.... I hope you'll find my list helpful. Always remember that a list is made to give you some kind of direction and help you to focus on the things that matter to you. However, you have the last word. You make it, you can always change it! Don't let the list be another source of stress! No way! You may only do one or two things. That's ok! You 're still a winner! Life is unpredictable and sometimes God has other plans for us...Be openminded. Don't miss life's opportunities for paper lists! Always focus on the things that are really important to you either they are in the list or not Note: I know I should have published this post a week ago and you're already dreaming of Christmas (or even preparing for it!), but it took me a little more time to write it than I counted...I 'm still new, you see...I hope you'll forgive me and mostly I hope you're going to like you all, xoxo, Elena
November 1st! First morning after summer that really looks like autumn. It's cold enough, it's raining a little and the sky turned white and cloudy.... bbrrrr!! Images of fire by the fireplace, hot drinks and cozy sweaters pass through my mind (.... and apple pies and delicious hot soups of course..!!). Well, it is a fact: fall is here and there is nothing more romantic for this season than a walk outdoors looking at the autumn leaves falling... And because pictures worth millions of words, I'm leaving you for today with an amazing song and a wonderful video! Have you all a fabulous fall! Love you xoxo, Elena |
AuthorWelcome to Elena's blog! I'm Elena, I live in Greece and I created this blog because I want to share with you all the beautiful things life is giving to us from my point of view. Thank you so much for stopping by, love you all, xoxo, Elena Archives
January 2016
Blogs I love
Honey We're Home
What I Wore Glitter Guide Small Shop Camille Styles Elements of style Atlantic pacific Classy girls wear pearls Matchbook magzine Note to self Miss Moss This is glamorous A cup of Jo Coco+kelley Brunch at Saks Made by girl The doctor's closet Style carrot Tobi Fairley La dolce vita The lennoxx Design chic Hooked on houses Marcus design Opal design group The everygirl A diary of lovely A thoughtful place House of fifty Centsational girl Cre8tive designs inc. Deliciously organized I heart organizing Savor home Just a girl Jylare smith photography Name 5 things Blogilates The 36th avenue How does she Dot coms for moms Everything mom The confident mom Manger Bon appetit Dinner: a love story Cannelle et vanille Smitten kitchen Nigella Lawson Stone gable Happyolks Shelterness Zsa Zsa bellagio French essence Castles crowns and cottages Classy in the city That inspirational girl The simply luxurious life Live the charmed life Vogue and coffee Slim paley The art of lovely Ooh la frou frou Coastal style Let's go shopping!